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The curriculum at LLL Preschool presents an integrated, process-oriented, thematic approach with the incorporation of children's literature.  Activities are based on weekly/monthly themes, which combine language, math, science, music, art and cooking related experiences.  There are many learning opportunities and open-ended activities for the children throughout the day as they visit various interest areas. Within an integrated model, children are provided valuable learning opportunities through learning centers in the classroom as well as outdoor experiences.  Classroom learning centers may include: library, blocks, art, writing, math, science, puzzles, manipulative toys, and our sensory table.  The curriculum represents process, rather than product; for example, when examining materials in the science area, investigating and describing how the leaf looks, feels, and smells is far more important than labeling what the leaf actually is.  Teachers plan activities in the learning centers with a focus on the theme, so that the experiences and learning in one area reinforces and supports learning in another area; this is identified as a thematic approach. The emphasis on children's literature in the curriculum acknowledges the importance of books in the lives of children and the role of reading aloud to children in literacy development. We encourage children to be thinkers and learners by supporting children in their curiosity, discovery, and joy in the process of learning about the world around them.

Coach Michelle and Wiggles and Giggles are 2 of our specialists and the children love it!
We have many science opportunities for the children to explore.
Craft projects in preschool are lots of fun.
Parent-Toddler Playgroup



Student Age:  15 months to 2.9 years

Hours:  9:00 am to 10:30 am

Sessions:  Winter and Spring

Group Size:  10 children

Tuition:  $225/10-week session

Join us on Monday mornings for 90 minutes of peer play, art activities, story time, music, and snack. The children and their parents, grandparents, and caregivers will have so much fun playing in our classrooms as they explore, engage, and adapt to the concept of school in a caring and secure environment with one of our experienced LLL Preschool teachers!

Preschool Class 


2 Day Option:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - choose 2 days

Student Age:  2.9 to 3 years*

Hours:  8:40 am to 11:40 am

Student Teacher Ratio:  20:3

Tuition:  $2772/year

Program Extensions Available:  Early Drop Off, Lunch Bunch, Bridge to Learning

*must be 2 years and 9 months by August 31 of enrollment year


3 Day Option:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday - choose 3 days

Student Age:  2.9 to 4 years* 

Hours:  8:40 am to 11:40 am

Student Teacher Ratio:  20:3

Tuition:  $3969/year

Program Extensions Available:  Early Drop Off, Lunch Bunch, Bridge to Learning

*must be 2 years and 9 months by August 31 of enrollment year 

4 Day Option:  Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 

Student Age:  2.9 to 4 years* 

Hours:  8:40 am to 11:40 am

Student Teacher Ratio:  20:3

Tuition:  $4563/year

Program Extensions Available:  Early Drop Off, Lunch Bunch, Bridge to Learning

*must be 2 years and 9 months by August 31 of enrollment year

Pre-K Class

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Student Age:  4 to 5 years*

Hours:  8:50 am to 11:50 am

Student Teacher Ratio:  20:3

Option of Days:  3 or 4 days per week

3 Day Tuition:  $3969/year

4 Day Tuition:  $4563/year

Program Extensions Available:  Early Drop Off, Lunch Bunch, Bridge to Learning


*must be 4 years old by August 31 of enrollment year

Program Extensions

Early Drop Off

Hours:  8:15 am to 8:45 am

Student Teacher Ratio:  5:1

Tuition:  $7/day

Early Drop Off is available if you need to drop your child off before school begins.  Relax and let them have some extra play time with their friends, while you avoid an early morning rushing around.

Lunch Bunch

Hours:  11:45 am to 1:00 pm

Student Teacher Ratio:  12:2

Tuition:  $28/day

Lunch Bunch is a small group program designed as a time for sharing conversation and enjoying lunch with teachers and friends.  The daily format includes a period of free play followed by lunch. Children may attend 1, 2, 3 or 4 days per week.  

Bridge to Learning

Hours:  11:45 am to 2:30 pm

Student Teacher Ratio:  12:2

Tuition:  $35/day

Bridge to Learning is a program designed to give supplemental academic support to children. The focus of this class will be to prepare children for a lifetime of enthusiastic learning through project-driven, play-based curriculum incorporating reading, writing, literature, math, nature and science. The daily format includes Lunch Bunch. Children may attend 1, 2, 3 or 4 days per week.  

Shaving cream science experiment, watch the colors drop down and mix with each other.

Application fee $50

Enrichment fee $75

One month tuition deposit due March 1. 

Tuition payments due August 1, November 1, February 1.  

©2008-2021 LLL Preschool, Inc.   |   All Rights Reserved

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